Bed Buying Traps

Bed Buying Traps
Bed Buying Traps to Avoid
There’s often a trickiness to buying a bed – a certain uncertainty. After all, it’s a necessity that only comes around once every 8 years at least, allowing pricing structures, bed technology and bed features, to progress. And so, when one endeavours to find a new mattress, the shopping experience can prove a little daunting, especially when it comes to what to look out for when buying a bed, and the questions that need to be asked. So, to make the journey to your best night’s sleep a little bit easier this time around, we’ve put together some top tips on how to avoid some bed buying traps.
What Should You Look for When Buying a New Bed?
It’s obviously all about comfort. But ‘comfort’ is an all-encompassing term when talking about buying a bed. Is it luxury and bliss, or is it spring coil technology or foam density? Well, all of the above. Because these features of tech and indulgence need to combine in synergy, so that the mattress you choose is better suited to transport you to dreamland. In order of importance, we’d advise looking at the build of the mattress first, and once you’re happy that these features will give you and your sleep needs the support that brings better rest, try the mattress out.
The Inner Spring
Innerspring technology has progressed consistently in quality, and so the intrepid shopper of an innerspring mattress may feel somewhat overwhelmed by the options out there right now. Un-pocketed, flimsy spring work is certainly no longer a built feature – a good innerspring mattress will be crafted with around 1,000 coils (average for a queen size mattress), with a chambered design that promotes the most uninterrupted sleep. Particularly in a mattress for two.
What to remember? When looking at innerspring options, the gauge of the coils is key – the thicker the gauge of the springs, the more give. Simply put, more give means your body sinks in more. Less giving means a little more support. So, know your body type. It’ll determine the level of support you need. For tips on how to determine the right mattress for your body type:
Memory Foam
Memory foam has been the darling of the mattress world since the first pillow tops emerged as a luxury feature in mattress crafting. Options in memory foam are now wide and varied, and if you’re in the throes of your eight-year mattress buying cycle – and are in the market for a memory foam option – you’re about to find yourself spoiled for choice, in technology and price.
Just remember, the fundamental draw of memory foam is in the name – memory. There’s a point to it, and that’s a mattress that conforms to your body. It’s support that can only come with a mattress that changes for you, and not the other way around. And it’s when shopping for memory foam that the real specifics need to be asked, because everyone and anyone trying to sell you this technology will claim theirs as ‘premium.’ So, good memory foam mattresses that will last until your next ten-year buying cycle, will have densities of at least 3 pounds per cubic foot, and sometimes slightly more, for curvier bodies.
Make Sure You're Getting a Good Deal on a Bed.
Now that we’ve covered some of the tech, let’s look at the deal. There is no salesperson or brand out there that knows your sleeping habits like you do. So, when buying a mattress, knowledge is your friend. Gather as much knowledge as you can about the type of mattress that you may need:
Read the Reviews.
Mattress reviews should be taken with a pinch of salt, because again, everyone sleeps differently, we’re all made of different shapes and sizes – there’s no guarantee of a five-star mattress, then, being rated the same for you. However, these reviews will give you good scope to take with you, when trying out a desired mattress.
Know the Recommended Retail Price.
As in most retail markets, there can be the odd swindler in operation. The biggest trick is to add a little more to a retail price, slash it back down, and claim discounts. To avoid being bamboozled out of budget, do a quick recommended retail price check on the mattress you’re thinking of buying.
It’s Not About the Best Mattress…
…it’s about the best mattress for you.
Remember that, because like we’ve mentioned, your body and sleep style is unique to you, so don’t let anyone pressure you into buying when you’re not ready. Shop, research, and then try it out. There’s no point in rushing, because after all, this is an investment intended to ensure you get your best rest, for the next 8 years.
And as always Dial-a-Bed are your premier slumber-aid specialists. We have all the top brands in all bed sets and mattresses – buying a bed with us is as easy as counting sheep. Visit any of our 76 stores nationwide or online 24/7 at