Get the best sleep for your personality type.

Know Yourself. You Are How You Sleep

It works both ways. How you sleep through the night can affect your behaviour during the day. And your natural personality type can determine when and how you prefer to sleep. In effect, this sleep-health blog is talking about personality sleep types.

What is a Personality Sleep Type?

It’s a very broad topic. And it does not suggest we need to ‘pigeon-hole’ ourselves according to commonly recognised traits. Broadly speaking there are extroverts, introverts, and those of us who are temperamentally in-between. It depends on what mood we’re in. And perhaps how we might have slept the night before.

But let’s delve into a range of psychometric traits, commonly recognised by personality types A, B, C and D. Then we’ll unpack the likely sleep behaviours against each.

Type A – The Director. This personality is generally goal-oriented, a calculated risk taker and works well under duress.

Type B – The Socialiser. Outgoing, engaging and generally enthusiastic, this personality values relationships.

Type C – The Thinker. This person is analytical and logical. There’s also a focus on detail and being thoroughly informed and prepared.

Type D – The Supporter. With a tendency towards caution, this is a team player who brings stability to joint tasks and projects.

Again, some people can be a combination of the traits within these four personality types, which puts them into a hybrid Type X. Which personality traits do you think you most reflect?

Personality Traits and Sleep Patterns.

First off, no personality trait is singularly good or bad for healthy sleep. It’s how we play out our individual mannerisms that affects our sleep. Our behavior can be affected by how we sleep.

Type A: The Director would most likely be a high-functioning go-getter. It’s full-throttle, 24-7. This personality type is invariably in tune with what it takes to be at the helm. Sleep is a crucial part of that high-functioning equation. But there is also the danger of being tempted to compromise healthy sleep by putting in those extra hours. Sleep deprivation usually results in poor performance. So, healthy sleep is generally routine to stay competitive.

Type B: The Socialiser is generally secure and less prone to bouts of prolonged stress or anxiety. Good communicators also demonstrate self-actualization in their empathy for those around them. They pay attention to their own well-being, too. This inclusive approach maintains a healthy regard for quality, routine sleep.

Type C: The Thinker can sometimes overthink. Self-induced anxiety and depression can occur when things don’t quite work out to plan. These highly intelligent creatures are also capable of losing sleep when their minds don’t calm down at bedtime. Calming the mind with thought deflection techniques might be needed to prepare for a good night's sleep.

Type D: The Supporter might also have a lot going on upstairs. Their work satisfaction depends on their ability to advance the performance and interests of the broader team. Consequently, any anxiety or stress-related symptoms would likely be affected by co-workers not seeing eye-to-eye, or having different goals and priorities. The Supporter now needs to become a self-supporter and recognise the importance of looking after "number 1's sleep health".

Own Your Personality Sleep Type.

No matter who you think you are, know this. The real, authentic you gets up every morning after having a good, deep night’s sleep. Everyone, without exception, requires the proper amount of sleep to perform at their peak.

Are you feeling out of sorts? Behaving out of character? If you suspect it’s from compromised, or a lack of, sleep – you need to take preventative measures. Fast.

Everyone knows their own behavioural characteristics and foibles. They make us more interesting. And even more real when we pay attention to sleep routines that best suit our personalities.

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Put a bit of your own personality into the way you sleep. # SleepForLife.


TAKE CARE: Lifestyle recommendation is not medical advice. Always consult your healthcare professional should you be experiencing prolonged sleep difficulties or related health issues.