Sleep Better. Perform Better.

Perform At Your Best. Get Your Best Sleep.

It’s not a mystery, really. We’ve all had those days when we just hadn't managed to sleep properly the night before. And so, the day becomes a never ending, lacklustre blur of underachievement. We’re just not at our best.

As a longer day than usual draws to an end, we’re reminded how important our sleep is to us. It’s just such a relief to flop into bed and write off a non-day. Hopefully the next day will be better.

Not getting a good night’s sleep can be circumstantial, of course. There’s an emergency. Perhaps something wakes us up in the middle of the night and we just can’t find our happy place back to la-la-land.

Sleep and Cognitive Function.

Lack of sleep can be particularly frustrating when we’ve set ourselves specific goals or challenges. Working in a high-performance environment when we need to be at our sharpest doesn’t really allow for “off” days. If we’re chasing after an athletic best, we really need our head in the game. Focus is everything.

A good night’s sleep prepares the brain for the next day. Contrary to what we might think, it’s not because our brains need to shut down. Proper quality sleep actually allows our brains to process. When we attain the right state of rest, our brains go to work. The day’s experiences and thoughts are processed. Memory archiving and retention kicks in. For someone who relies on rapid recall during the day, this is pretty important.

In fact, an “off” or non-day can be doubly detrimental come the evening as we probably haven’t been able to focus as efficiently as usual. So, there’s likely less we can process during sleep.

The Side Effects of Poor Sleep.

When our brains are foggy, our coordination can become compromised, both mentally and physically. Silly mistakes can happen. A mug of coffee is knocked over. A file is mistakenly deleted. (Heaven forbid something of real consequence happens in an unintended moment of stupor.)

Besides perhaps overall sluggishness, specific performance abilities can become impaired:

  1. Memory – immediate recall of sometimes even the simplest things might take us longer to access.
  2. Problem solving – logical conclusions or solutions, like adapting to an unanticipated scenario, may take longer to resolve.
  3. Emotions – lack of sleep can leave us feeling low, or perhaps on edge and tetchy. We might disconnect emotionally, or completely overreact to the smallest thing.
  4. Judgement – with a lack of mental clarity, and perhaps even emotional imbalance, we might run the risk of ill-advised decision making.
  5. Creativity – thinking outside the box would likely be challenging. You’d need to find the box first!

The Performance Benefits of Proper Sleep.

When perhaps you’re most under pressure and need to perform at your best, this is the very time to be extra focused on your sleep. Whether your next day demands athletic prowess, or mental focus and acuity, the night before is your most important night’s sleep.

The long months of training, preparation and planning are behind you. And, during that time, you have hopefully managed to maintain a regular sleep routine. When you keep sleeping at your best, there’s the promise of each next day being better and better. Proper quality sleep is what helps you attain your better, even best, performing self.

Afford Your Best Sleep With Dial•a•Bed.

When you’re taking your talents and abilities to new heights, sleep is not something you want to skimp on. In fact, you need to be equally committed to, and invested in, your very best sleep. Take a look around online at Then pop by your nearest store. After listening carefully to your sleep preferences and requirements, your sleep consultant will take you to a dedicated Sleep Station test. Once you’ve established the comfort and support that suits you best, you’ll have South Africa’s largest branded bed brand range to explore. If you’re a competitive performer, we know you take your sleep seriously. Only the best mattress will do. #SleepForLife.

TAKE CARE: Lifestyle recommendations are not medical advice. Always consult your healthcare professional should you be experiencing prolonged sleep difficulties or related health issues.