Whoopsies In The Night. Cleaning Stains Off A Mattress.

Whoopsies In The Night. Cleaning Stains Off A Mattress.


Whoopsies In The Night. Cleaning Stains Off A Mattress.

Perhaps you have a kid who’s going through a bed wetting stage. Or you’re relaxing under the covers with a book and a hot beverage and suddenly, oops, you’re not just turning over the next page, but your mattress. These things happen. And when they do, what’s the best way to deal with it?


How to clean wee off a mattress.

Bed wetting is not unusual amongst young kids. Also, it does not immediately suggest any emotional or psychological problem. As a child gets used to bedtime routines and regular sleeping hours, there can be a period where bodily functions still need to synchronize. A pressing bladder is usually uncomfortable enough to have us wake up. Growing kids who are fast asleep may temporarily have difficulty reacting to this signal.

If you’re awoken in the night by a confused or embarrassed child who has just wet their bed, here’s a quick trick to sort it out:

  • Strip the bedding right away and put it into the washing machine.
  • Blot the wet area with a towel.
  • Make a solution of half white vinegar and half water in a spray bottle and apply the solution to the affected area.
  • Blot the wet area again.
  • Then liberally sprinkle baking soda across the affected area. Leave the mattress flat for about 8 hours while the baking soda actively absorbs remaining moisture.
  • When the baking soda has dried, brush it off and vacuum the residue.


How to remove marks off a mattress.

If the mishap is only discovered in the morning, or much later, and there is already a stain on the mattress, you’ll need a slightly stronger application. Combine baking soda with a few drops of dish soap and around 30ml of hydrogen peroxide. Gently work the solution into the stained area, then leave it to dry for a good few hours. Then vacuum the residue.

If there is still a lingering smell coming out of the mattress, cover the area with more baking soda and leave it to absorb the odour for a further 10 hours.


How to keep a clean mattress at home.

Mattresses need regular turning and cleaning, regardless of whether you have a spill or a stain. A thorough vacuum across the mattress surface will help to control the build-up of dust and mites. Ideally, keep the mattress laid out flat or just slightly elevated to one side to allow airflow. Don’t lean it up vertically against a wall. This can interfere with the inner workings of the support and comfort of the mattress.


What’s the best way to clean a mattress?

If you are able to place your mattress outside in fresh air and direct sunlight every month or so, the UV rays will help to rid the mattress of developing mold or bacteria. This is the easiest way to maintain a hygienic mattress. If the weather is not suitable, follow the procedure above of using a solution of baking soda to draw out moisture and damp smells.

Frankly, the easiest and most recommended option is to use a mattress cover that protects against dust and mites. A waterproof mattress cover will also prevent liquids from seeping into the mattress. Pre-empt accidents before they happen. It’s so much less hassle to clean a mattress protector.


Protect your mattress with Dial•a•Bed

When you’ve invested in the ideal mattress for your level of comfort and support, you don’t lose any sleep over any mishaps that might happen in the night. Get a mattress protector. And you don’t even have to come into a store to purchase it. It’s so easy to order online at www.dialabed.co.za. That’s your clean mattress, solved. #SleepForLife.