The Power Of Naps

The Power Of Naps


The Power Of Naps

Research has found strong evidence supporting the health effects of power naps, including:

- Improving cognitive functions

- Enhancing short-term memory

- Boosting athletic performance

- Improving mood

- Reducing stress and fatigue

- Promoting creativity


The ideal power nap is around 20 minutes and shouldn’t be longer than 30 minutes. This ensures you’ll only move into the first and second superficial stages of sleep - helping you feel refreshed and not groggy when you wake.

Taking a power nap around the middle of the day or early afternoon is best. Taking naps later in the day may disrupt your sleep cycle. Research has found that regularly nappers get better sleep at night.

A recent case study carried out over a period of 8 years - found that adults who took regular power naps had a lower risk of heart disease and strokes over those who didn’t take naps. Another study revealed that 25 - 35 minute power naps significantly reduced signs of stress and fatigue in physically active men. It also improved their attention and physical performance.


Power naps vs meditation

Power naps and meditation have a few overlapping positive effects and benefits. While napping is unconscious and meditating is conscious, both groups experience an improved mental state, with reductions in blood pressure, stress, and anxiety.

Meditation does however reap additional benefits that nappers may not receive - like needing less sleep and increased melatonin levels which can promote a more restful night’s sleep. Meditation can also provide pain relief and reduce inflammation.

So essentially, anyone who practices regular power naps and meditation can expect many physiological and psychological improvements in their wellbeing