5 Signs That It's Time To Buy A New Bed

5 Signs That It's Time to Buy a New Bed

A good bed isn’t just a place to find sleep. It’s not just a place to find solace, stretch out and shed the stresses of the day. In addition to all of that, a good bed is a tool for better health - combined with enough optimal sleep, our bodies can heal, both physically and mentally. But just as a good bed brings rest to rejuvenate, a bed that’s seen better days can be a significant contributor to the opposite – a general state of not feeling rested.  So, if you’re not getting the sleep you’re used to, and suspect it may be due to your mattress, here are 5 signs that you’re absolutely correct, and that it’s time to buy a new bed.

#1 Saggy Spots

We spend over a third of our lives in bed, so the mattresses we use over a lifetime of sleep are hardworking. Everyday use, then, means wear and tear – springs that have lost their bounce, memory foam that’s forgotten a lot of what it once knew, and fibres that simply can’t take it anymore. All of these signs point to one of the biggest causes of no sleep: a mattress that sags in the middle, and so is devoid of the kind of support that brings good rest.

#2 Lumpy Mattress, Lumpy Sleep

Again, caused by the high use a mattress should be getting, lumps are often the impressions caused by your body over time. A lumpy mattress, however, does mean that the support you were once getting is starting to falter. A good rule of thumb is to measure the depth of these lumpy bits. If they’re more than about 4 cm deep, buying a new mattress is the next step.

#3 The Sniffles

Do you find your allergies flaring up regularly, even without a speck of dust or particle of pollen in sight? If so, the culprit could be your mattress. Over time, allergens can become trapped inside the mattress. Mould, mildew, dust mites – these can all find their way into your sleeping space eventually. And these allergens trigger allergic reactions. So, if you’re stuffy, or sneezing whenever you’re in or around your bed, buying a new mattress should clear those allergies right up. And here’s another top tip: go for one made with mostly hypoallergenic materials, like latex. It’ll keep those allergy triggers at bay for longer.

#4 Aches and Pains

We mentioned this side-effect earlier – feeling like you’ve run a marathon in your sleep, is a very big red flag, and a good point to start considering buying a new mattress. Again, over time, with general use and wear and tear, a mattress may start to lose its ability to give you ample support while you sleep. As humans, we have three very crucial zones for comfort – the head and neck zone, the lower back zone, and the hips. When the areas of the mattress that correspond to these zones start to break down, a night’s sleep and going twelve rounds with a prized fighter, can feel one and the same. So indeed, it’s time to buy a new mattress.

#5 The Rule of 8

And by that, we mean 8 years old. The usual lifespan of a well-made mattress is around that time, so that number is a big tick on the checklist when considering the move to buying a new mattress. And remember, even if it’s not lumpy, or sagging, not triggering your allergies, or causing aches and pains, that rule of 8 is the common life span, and a good indicator of when to replace a mattress. What’s more, preferring to put off a replacement because you think you’re sleeping fine could be because you’re used to sub-optimal sleep – one night on a crisp, new mattress, and you’ll be wondering why you left the change for so long.

You may be in the process of buying a new bed. Look no further than Dial-a-Bed’s range of mattresses – we have them in 5 sizes, and in the brands you know and trust to give you the best night’s sleep. Visit any of our 76 stores nationwide or online 24/7 at www.dialabed.co.za